Pink Perfection Bouquet
This bouquet is a graceful blend of soft pink and white roses, artfully arranged with delicate baby's breath that adds an ethereal touch. The flowers are elegantly wrapped in light lavender paper, creating a gentle contrast to the blooms. The bouquet is finished with a satin pink ribbon, featuring the "Petals" branding, adding a personalized and polished touch. A floral-themed greeting card is thoughtfully placed within the arrangement, making it a perfect gift for any special occasion. This bouquet radiates elegance and charm, making it an ideal choice for expressing love, appreciation, or celebration.
Lavender Wrapping: Light lavender wrapping paper enhances the bouquet's soft and romantic aesthetic.
Pink Satin Ribbon: The bouquet is tied with a branded pink satin ribbon, adding a refined and elegant finish.
Greeting Card: A floral-themed greeting card is included, making it perfect for gifting on special occasions.
Versatile Design: Ideal for a variety of occasions, from anniversaries and birthdays to romantic gestures and celebrations.
Petals by Aemi